Camp Doodle Woods
Gus has been neutered and is ready to find his forever home. He has great leash manners, recall, crate trained and other obedience. He is E-collar trained. He gets along fine with other dogs. He can be just a little standoffish when meeting new people, but once he is comfortable he is extremely friendly. He has energy and will need exercise. He is a great couch buddy also. He would do fine in a retired home, or home with children and other dogs. Gus's price is $1200, but this is negotiable because most importantly finding him his perfect home is most important.
Gus is an AKC Standard poodle born here at Camp.
He is a phantom silver beige. Clear of everything genetically. He currently weighs 50 lbs. He has earned his TKN, CGC and attended board and train for basic manners.
OFA hips preliminary fair
OFA elbows preliminary pass
OFA heart passing
OFA Eyes